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Paid $1,700; Stolen 5 Times

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I owned a 1962 Corvette in 1970. I paid $1,700.00 for the car. I had both tops, but never had the hardtop off. It seemed like every time someone was with me, it was raining. I lived in St. Louis and had to park it on the street.

It was stolen 5 times. The thief kept breaking the wing window and taking it for joy rides. We found it around the corner first time and further away each time. The last time, they broke it and I couldn't afford to fix it, so I had to sell it. I sold it to a college kid for the same price that I paid. It wasn't even running, and he was happy to get it.

Years later I read an article in The St. Louis Post Dispatch about this Fawn colored 1962 Corvette that was stolen from some college kid and returned 30 years later, restored. I think that was my 1962 Fawn Corvette. He loved it; I sure did love it and I guess whoever had it for 30 years loved it! I never saw another Fawn Corvette, in parades or car shows, or anywhere. Not until I got on the internet. I wish I could find who owns the one I had and see if it's still the kid I sold it to!

Paid $1,700, Stolen 5 Times