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Two Engineers that love Corvettes

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I bought a 1960 Corvette when I was in high school for $4,500 with the money I made from mowing lawns and some inherited money my mother received from her uncle. I had it throughout college while I earned a mechanical engineering degree. The summer of 1989 I drove it to Spearfish South Dakota for the big Corvette rendezvous they have every year. As I arrived at the hotel where the event was taking place Zora Duntov and his wife Elfi were sitting in their Corvette under the car port at the entrance. We began an engineering conversation regarding the development of the Corvette and all the advancements over the years. He asked about my '60 and my friend took our picture. I still have that '60 and four others. I will remember that day fondly of two guys talking engineering.
Bruce Friesen Bruce Friesen