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Corvette Heaven

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Hi my name is Ron and I have owned my 1967 Corvette roadster since 1973. In 1974, I won first place in the New York Coliseum auto show with a sign that read (Ron's pride and joy driven in the streets of Brooklyn rain or shine) which I still have. In the 1990s I wrote a song called (Corvette Heaven). The humorous lyrics are the way I feel about my Corvette when I'm gone. My song was played on the local radio station in Philadelphia when George Swenson was buried in his white Corvette. When I was 18 years old, my mom who is 87 now and suffers with Alzheimer's gave me a $100 check to put down as a deposit on my 1967 Corvette which I told her I will never sell. But on October 29, 2012 my heart was broken when we had 5 feet of water in our home due to Hurricane Sandy. When the water started coming in the first thing my son said was, Dad your Corvette. There was nothing we could do but move to the upstairs bedrooms. Not having any flood insurance and losing everything we owned and not having a place to live, I had to take care of my family and rebuild our house. One of my friends named Freddie, who knew how I felt about my car, took it to try to save it for me. He did as much as he could until he got sick and now has passed away. So it set in the garage up until last week when I had it towed to a friend’s shop that is going to help me get it back on the road. I just want to drive it again. Don't really have the funds at this time to have it painted and restored professionally but I just want to make it safe to drive. My wife and I just celebrated our 34th wedding anniversary and I dated her 10 years so we have been together 44 years. We have so many memories with my Corvette. I have three beautiful children Chelsea, Justin, and Taylor and they all know how much my Corvette means to me. We are still trying to finish up a few more things in our house that was ruined by hurricane Sandy but I am so glad that I kept my Corvette. I have uploaded some photos of my Corvette then and now. I hope that someday soon I will be driving again. I want to thank Mid America Motorworks for having all the needed parts to get my Corvette back on the road, just too many to list. Hope you enjoyed my story and get a chance to listen to my song Corvette Heaven on YouTube.

Corvette Heaven Corvette Heaven Corvette Heaven Corvette Heaven Corvette Heaven Corvette Heaven Corvette Heaven Corvette Heaven Corvette Heaven Corvette Heaven Corvette Heaven Corvette Heaven Corvette Heaven Corvette Heaven Corvette Heaven