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Horse-back to Horsepower

Views: 61
A leisure activity that my wife and I have enjoyed for many years has been horseback riding on the numerous trails across the USA and Canada. In 2012 we decided to pick up another former hobby and purchased a motorcycle (Gold Wing) to ride the mountainous roads of Tennessee and North Carolina.

Facing the issues of our age, traffic, and winter made my interest pique when I saw an advertisement to trade my motorcycle for a 2000 Corvette. Done!

Now, it is 2017 and we own our fourth Corvette (2015, 3LT, Z51, automatic). The amenities of the Corvette versus a saddle seem obvious at our age. We love and embrace this new lifestyle and past time of cruising. See you on the road.

PS – Always looking for the next one – ZO6?
Horse power to HORSEPOWER